Friday, August 15, 2008

VBS Performance Day

If I knew how to post-date this post I would make the date August 8, 2008 appear. This was the day that Carson and Caden had their end of the week performance at Vacation Bible School at FUMC-Arlington. Caden has attended this VBS since first grade, and this was Carson's first year to go. The boys had a good time, and performed well for us!
Caden with fellow VBS goers getting ready to perform.

Carson getting ready to sing

After the performance the church provided a "picnic-style" lunch.

The girls wanted to be a part of VBS sooo badly...they will be old enough to go next year!!

Cade enjoying his lunch

Carson and the girls' favorite part of this lunch was chips and cookies...of course!

On our way to the van we snapped a picture next to the church sign...typical Stewart picture with no one looking at the camera!

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