Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pictures from Mother's Day 2008

Here are some pictures (in a VERY random order) from Mother's Day 2008...Uncle Caleb, Carsy (the girls' new name for Carson), and Emma Claire after eating at Jason's Deli.

My Mother's Day gifts...

Grancie and the girls playing "Ring Around the Rosy" in front of Jason's Deli...

The boys wrestling in the lawn of Jason's Deli...

Painting with "paint with water pictures" before bathtime...

Grancie and "the gang" after Mother's Day dinner...

In the front yard after church this morning...

Superman and the girls...

Grancie and Cade...

Grancie and Emmy Claire...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like you guys had a lot of fun! You got some great mother's day gifts too!