Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spring Musical

Thursday was the annual Spring Musical for the kids' preschool. This year was Carson's 3rd year to participate, and the girls' 1st year. Carson did a great job singing the songs that he had learned. Ella caught a glimpse of Sam on the way into the sanctuary and started crying for "my Daddy". I was so proud of Emmy because she didn't follow in suit with Ella Cate. She stayed in the front and stared at Sam and me the entire time. Ella sat in Mommy's and Daddy's laps enjoying the show, and she then got in line to walk out of the sanctuary with her little class. LilliAnn, Grancie, Uncle Caleb, Grandad, Nana, and of course big-bro Cade came to watch the kids. Above is our latest group picture attempt after the little ones performed!

The girls showing off their newly acquired habit (fingers in mouth). Looks like there are some others in their class with the same habit! ; )

Carson and his friends.

Uncle Caleb and Grancie's photo-op with the gang.

The kids after the musical with Nana and G-Dad.

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