Monday, April 28, 2008

Blue jay Rescue

This afternoon we had the kind of afternoon that you blog about, and truthfully we rarely have those! Sadly, tomorrow my students have TAKS Math, and since I need to be a prepared and chipper teacher at 8:05 a.m., I have very little time to blog! is a very short version of our afternoon!
Caden and I arrived home from school late this afternoon. It was around 4:45 because we had our tutoring party after school (tutoring is over...yea!). I fixed a quick dinner that consisted of a smorgasbord of Lunchables and Bocca Burgers...exciting I know! As we were eating I noticed an adolescent Blue jay on our windowsill. I watched him and I could quickly tell that he was just learning to fly. After a few minutes he fell into our Holly bushes (the prickly ones). I of course freaked out, so the kids and I headed outside to see if we could help him out. Really, it was just the boys and I. The girls stayed in the doorway, I think that I scared them with all of the commotion that I was making! We shook the bushes carefully and the little bird made his way out only to fall again. By this time our crazy cat had made her way out and was on the prowl. I shooed her away as a whole flock of Blue jays surrounded us in nearby trees and called for their baby. : ( It was so sad because the adult birds flew back and forth trying to protect the baby, but they wouldn't get close to him. Finally, I decided to take the kids inside so the adult birds could get closer and better guide the baby. We watched a little more and I didn't hear the adult birds calling after awhile, so I figured that the baby was safe. About 30 minutes after we headed inside I took the kids back outside, only to see the little baby hop into the street and get hit by a car. It was tragic Carson and Cade saw the whole thing! The little bird that we thought was safe was laying injured in the street right in front of our house! I freaked out and went to get Sam, who I am so thankful for, because he is always calm in situations like this! He scooped the little guy up in a towel, took him inside, and called the vet. The vet gave us the phone number of a lady that rescues injured wild birds. The bird was stable with an injured foot and wing, so he hung tight in an Adidas box as Sam did bath time and I ran. He made sweet chirps, and Sam and the boys fed him tiny squished pieces of bread. As of right now Sam is on I-20 heading back from "the bird lady's" house in West Fort Worth. What a sweet and caring guy Sam is, I know the Blue jay and his family are thankful!

1 comment:

Chelsi said...

Awww- sweet story and a good lesson for the boys!! Your mom would be proud!