Monday, December 8, 2008

Sick Day

In the words of the substitute management system for AISD, today was an "illness of employee or employee's family" day. My Emmy was sick. She warned me all day yesterday by saying "my ear hurting Mommy". I almost took her to The Neighborhood Dr. (very similar to Care Now), but I decided to wait since she didn't have fever.

By 2:00 this morning she definitely had fever! So, I headed up to school at 6:09 a.m. to lay out my stuff for my sub.

I decided to keep the other little ones home as well today. Why, you may ask...well...the last time I tried to drop one twin off at school without the other was not pretty, and I didn't want to fight it today. Also, none of my kids had gotten their flu-shot, so I decided to tackle that since I would be at the Dr's office anyway. I offered to let Cade stay home, but he opted for school instead of a flu shot! He probably needed to be at school more than the little ones did anyway! ; )

Even though Emmy was sick we had a fun day. After dropping off Cade this morning we headed to Krispy Kreme to get a snowman doughnut. Then we went to drop off Daddy's dry cleaning that has needed to be dropped off for 2 weeks (Sam has had to get real good at ironing recently). Our next stop was the post office to get nutcracker stamps for our Christmas cards. Thank goodness for that handy do it yourself machine, because the post office was a mile long at 8:58 a.m. (2 minutes before the post office even opened). We then headed for home so that I could get a shower and call the Dr's office.

Our appointment was at 10:30, and Emma Claire was diagnosed with the 1st ear infection of her life. After having a firstborn that had at least 25 ear infections in his first 4 years of life, it is pretty amazing to me that Emmy is 2 years and 10 months old and she is only now getting an ear infection. As the Dr looked through her file to make sure she had no allergies to antibiotics he was pretty shocked to see that she has never been on an antibiotic! Strong healthy girl! Ella Cate is still holding out ear infection free. Ellie has been on one antibiotic for an eye infection last summer, and that is her only antibiotic experience. Thank God for my healthy girls!

During Emmy's appointment Carson and Ella Cate got their flu shots, and they were not happy campers. Emmy lucked out, since she had run a fever in the past 24 hours she couldn't get her shot. She will get hers when I take Carson for his well check (only 2 months late : ) ) next week.

After our Dr's office fun we headed to Target to get Emma's prescription filled, get Dr's office bribe prizes, and eat lunch. My kids could stay in Target forever...I am pretty sure that they love it as much as me! I'm so excited that it is only one minute from our new house!! The little ones easily picked out prizes in our price range, and then they shared a mini pizza and drank ICEEs in the Target snack bar.

We got out of Target with no fits, and then we headed home for naps, which brings us to the present! I cannot remember the last time that I typed this much on a post! Oh, what a good blogger I might be if I didn't have to work!

I had an enjoyable day off work thanks to my little sickie! : )

This is what Ellie picked out for her bribe prize. A $1.99 microphone. Good girl Ella Cate!

Of course my Emmy wanted the same one...different colors! Carson chose a little transformer for his prize.

Carson eating his snowman doughnut this morning

Emmy and Ellie enjoying their snowman doughnuts


Chelsi said...

I hope Emmy feels better! it is pretty impressive that she has gone this lone without antibiotics! Looks like you had a fun day off!!

Shawna Nicholson said...

wow. Corbin and Caden could go head to head in the number of ear infections. He got them all the time after his first birthday...and hasn't had one in a while. Poor Emma...hope she feels better soon. I felt the same way at the post office too....thank goodness for those machines! Of course, I have to mail out your kids present this week...wish me luck! :)