Sunday, November 8, 2009

5th Grade Apaches 2009

Cade's football season came to a close Saturday afternoon. This Apache season has been much like all of the other Apache seasons since 1st grade. The poor boys didn't win one game, bless their hearts! I will say that I am a bit relieved that Cade no longer has 2, 2 hour long weeknight practices. Even though Apache morale was a little low by the end of the game, the weather was gorgeous, Grancie and Robin came to watch, and we celebrated the end of the season at McAllister's after the game!
Cade is #51 in the team picture that was definitely not posed or shot by a professional!! Right in the sunlight...look at all of those shadows...funny!

Cade is getting lined up (2nd from left)

Apaches vs Cougars

Mom and me with the girls looking like "Cousin It" with all that hair!

Ellie wore her cheerleader outfit to cheer her brother on!

Grancie and El!

Daddy and Em (with a mouthfull of gummies)

Car lounging in the stroller enjoying the game

Emma helped Jazz draw the winning raffle ticket at half time!

Cade listening to Coach Leroy's last speech

Grancie and Cade

Cade with Mom and Dad

Grancie and El after the game. Ellie was practicing her skipping!

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