Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Never buy ANYONE under 10 a....

WHITE shirt!!!!!I have always had the philosophy to steer clear of light colored shirts when shopping for my kids. Caden taught me that as a new mommy many moons ago. However, when I saw the adorable shirt pictured above at The Children's Place Outlet (mine and Chelsi's favorite place) for only $3.00 I couldn't pass it up. I let the girls wear it today since they brought cupcakes to school for their birthday. I know, I know their birthday isn't until Thursday, but we had to bring the cupcakes today because Thursday is the class Valentine party...(sidenote- I did get to choose the day that I delivered my girls, and I did not consider what an inconvenience this might become to share a birthday with a holiday...I just thought...how cool... twin girls born on the sweetest holiday ever Valentines Day.) Anyway they wore this shirt today since they have even a cuter darker colored "birthday girl" shirt to wear on their actual birthday. You might think that their birthday cupcakes caused this mess, but it was actually their "where are you yoyurt" as they call it. It is GoGurt that has Scooby Doo on the package. I was under the impression that it was lighter in color. I guess I know now to find a new color of GoGurt, and stick to my guns....don't buy white! By the way this shirt is Ella Cate's. Miss Emmy got only a dab of "where are you yoyurt" on hers. Ellie's shirt is now soaking in a gallon of Spray N Wash.

Ms. Elizabeth took this picture of the girls ready for their cupcakes.

Yummy cupcakes!

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