Saturday, May 31, 2008

Loving the Great Outdoors!

I am so excited to be finished with school next Friday! I can already tell that this will be a really fun summer for us! All of the kids are so content outside, and they are starting to play really well together! We spent this Friday and Saturday evenings in the yard. Friday the kids "played baseball" with the pitching machine, and Saturday the kids played in their new plastic pool.
The pool has quite a story...I was determined to find the kids a plastic pool with a slide (like I had when I was little). So, after hitting 3 Wal-Marts I finally found it. I carried the gigantic thing to the checkout and to my van all by myself only to find it wouldn't fit in my van! So I had to leave the pool at Wal-Mart and go home and get Sam's truck. I then headed back to Wal-Mart loaded the pool up, and drove 15 miles an hour towards my house. Despite my efforts the pool blew out of the truck. Thank goodness it was on a neighborhood street, and I was able to go into the street and get it. Needless to say the experience was a little stressful! However watching the fun the little ones were having this evening in that pool made the whole experience worth it!!

Carson and Emma Claire showing me their "back float". They will be brushing up on the back float next week when they start swimming lessons with Ms. Stacey.

Ella Cate

The girls playing baseball with Daddy.

Here is Emma Claire with sweet pink cheeks from the heat. There little faces get red after only minutes of being in the heat.

The boys loading the pitching machine.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Popsicles and Playing in the Sprinkler

After a busy day filled with all of the usuals (grocery shopping, naps, laundry, etc...) the Stewart fam spent a relaxing but hot evening together. What better way to cool the kids off than playing in the sprinkler and eating Popsicles?
The kids were so excited because they got to use their new Mickey Mouse sprinkler that we picked out at Target last week. "Why Mickey Mouse?" you may ask. Well that is a good question, because Mickey Mouse was no one's first choice! The girls wanted the cool Dora sprinkler, and Carson wanted the mean looking Spiderman sprinkler. Since I refused to buy two sprinklers Mickey Mouse was what they compromised on.
Anyway, the sprinkler and Popsicles were a big hit! What a fun way to spend a Sunday evening! Many more Sundays like this to come, because there are only 9 more days left of the 2007-2008 school year woo-hoo!
Ellie Cate

Carson working on his second Popsicle

Emmy Claire

Sweet sisters who wiped each other off with wipeys after they had finished their Popsicles...they are always looking out for one another!

Funny Emma Claire

Carson and Emmy cooling off in the sprinkler

Carson posing with his new sprinkler

Cade and Carson getting wet and wild!

Ella taking a break from being wet.

Ella bouncing on the bouncy ball (that was Cade's when he was her age)...she loves this ball, and she is so good at bouncing on it!

Rowdy Rodeo Cowgirls!

The Mesquite Rodeo has held a special place in my heart for many years! I spent many of nights at the rodeo as a teenager. My ex-high school boyfriend lived in Mesquite, and I guess if you're from Mesquite the rodeo is a part of least that was my experience. Resistol Arena is full of many of my fun memories! So when the chance came to share this special experience with my girls, I jumped at it!
The boys spent the night with Grancie on Saturday night, so Sam and I decided to spend the evening at the rodeo with the girls. It started out with a dinner (that was fairly relaxing with only 2 kiddos) at Macaroni Grill. The girls thought that it was super cool that they were able to color right on the butcher paper table cloth! After dinner we made our way to Mesquite. Our fun night at the rodeo began...

The girls posed for a quick picture in front of the petting zoo, which was our first stop at the rodeo. The little petting zoo had goats, rabbits, the calmest cow that I have ever seen, and precious baby pigs. The lady that was in charge of the petting zoo was holding a Lemur that was very neat to watch!

Emmy and I inside the petting zoo.

Only minutes after entering the petting zoo I had to hike Ella Cate over the fence to Sam. She was not real fond of the little goats that were bumping into her!

The girls got to try their very first bites of cotton candy at the rodeo. At first they loved it...Ellie continued to sign "more". After several bites they decided that they didn't care for it, and they both wanted to spit a mouthful out! How can anyone that is related to me not like cotton candy?! I could live off that stuff! So...guess who ate the whole bag of yummy pink cotton candy?

After watching many events and participating in one (the girls went out onto the arena to participate in the calf scramble..with Mommy and Daddy of course) we decided it was time for a little horseback riding. Ellie LOVED it (as you can see below), and Emma Claire was not so sure (as you can see above). Emmy made it one time around, and Ella Cate's horsey did about 50 circles. However, they have both talked non-stop about riding a "horsey-neigh" ever since!

Ellie and her daddy

Mommy, Daddy, and the girls in front of the horseys

The sweet little petting-zoo piggys were worn out by the end of the rodeo!

We will most definitely be making trips back to The Mesquite Rodeo!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Fun Trip To Austin

I just got back home from a fun trip to Austin. Chels, Brenda, Karri, and I headed to Austin yesterday afternoon. We had enough time to hit The Round Rock Outlet Mall, Chuy's, Trudy's, 6th Street, and Einstein's for breakfast! Austin was happening this weekend because it was U.T.'s graduation...6th Street was the CRAZIEST that I have ever seen it! What fun!

Chels and I having yummy strawberry margaritas at Chuy's.

Chels, Brenda, and I in front of Toy Joy. Chels and I have read about this toy store on other blogs, and we wanted to see what it was all about. Sadly, it closed at midnight, and we arrived at 12:15 am! It definitely looked interesting! We will have to make a stop there next time we're in Austin.

Chels, Karri, and I in front of Toy Joy.

The back doors of Toy Joy. Brenda decided this should be my new "life motto" ; )!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rangers Game

Monday evening we got to go the The Ranger's game (thanks Robin)! We had a great time! The weather was perfect, and the Rangers actually won...I guess we brought them luck. ;) The girls stayed home with Nana, because with a 7:05 pm start time we knew they wouldn't last.
We stayed through the 7th inning, which still put us home around 11:00 pm. We were tired on Tuesday, but it was so worth it!

Sam and Cade enjoying the game.

The boys wearing funny hats in the gift shop. We spent FOREVER in that shop looking for souvenirs that I could afford! Originally Cade picked out an $85 jersey, and Carson picked out a $45 bobble head baseball player! However, Carson settled for a $10 batting glove, and Cade settled for a $10 framed Josh Hamilton baseball card.

Carson and I enjoying the game. As you can tell he LOVES to not cooperate when we are taking pictures!

The Stewart fam minus our girlys. We promise to take you out to the ballgame next time Emmy and Ellie!! ; )

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pictures from Mother's Day 2008

Here are some pictures (in a VERY random order) from Mother's Day 2008...Uncle Caleb, Carsy (the girls' new name for Carson), and Emma Claire after eating at Jason's Deli.

My Mother's Day gifts...

Grancie and the girls playing "Ring Around the Rosy" in front of Jason's Deli...

The boys wrestling in the lawn of Jason's Deli...

Painting with "paint with water pictures" before bathtime...

Grancie and "the gang" after Mother's Day dinner...

In the front yard after church this morning...

Superman and the girls...

Grancie and Cade...

Grancie and Emmy Claire...

My Marvelous Mother's Day 2008

Sam and the kiddos made this Mother's Day very special for me!

It started yesterday evening with a shopping trip to pick out my Mother's Day present. I would much rather pick out what I want instead of being surprised! I think Sam much prefers shopping for me this way as well! I decided a new swimsuit and a new outfit for my grade levels awards assembly would be great and useful gifts! I picked out a swimsuit and an outfit that I really like! However, these two things were nowhere near as special as some of the other gifts that I received! I got dishtowels with hand prints on them, a coffee mug with Carson's finger prints and picture on it, a "Love Coupon" book from Cade, a card with Carson's picture inside, and two hand print flowers from the girls. These goodies that the kids made for me at preschool and Sunday school will be cherished forever!

Mother's Day morning I got to sleep until 8:00!! All of the kids slept in because they were up late partying with Nana and Grandad while we were at a graduation party on Saturday night. After a quick breakfast we headed to church.

This afternoon after naps we met Grancie, Robin, and Uncle Caleb at Jason's Deli in Grapevine for dinner. The kids ate a little bit of "good food" and A LOT of ice cream and wallered all over Grancie, Robin, and Uncle Caleb. Grancie and Caleb gave me sweet Mother's Day cards. My brother has been giving me Mother's Day cards since I have been a mommy. I always look forward to his card to me! This rounded out a very special day for me!

Happy Mother's Day to all, and to all a good night! ; )

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Look What Shawna Made Us!

Our very talented friend Shawna painted signs and a piggy bank for the girls. The girls are so VERY proud of their new decorations! Thanks Shawna! We have admired your work numerous times since you gave us our goodies last weekend!

The girls' initials

The other side of the piggy bank "Two Cute" are very clever Shawna! ; )

The girls' 2 and 1/4 years Dr. visit

This past Monday our schools were out for Cinco de Mayo holiday. Finally I was able to get the girls into the Dr's office for their 2 year old appointment! Since I have zero sick days left this school year I haven't been able to take time off from work to take them to their well check appointment. When I called to make the appointment the receptionist assured me that waiting 2 and a half months after their 2nd birthday would not be detrimental.
We arrived at Dr. Davidson's office with pacis and Raffis in hand since our last couple of Dr visits had been less than pleasant (the girls have SCREAMED through our last couple of visits). However, the girls surprised me! The only tears that I saw were from Emmy after she had her Hep-A vaccination, and she only cried a few! Ella Cate didn't cry at all after her shot!! Both girls actually waved and grinned at Dr. Davidson who they despised only a few short months ago.
We did find out that we should get rid of the pacis sooner than later. I haven't decided when that will be, but probably not until school gets out. I don't think that I am ready right now. I fear that it will be a hard separation for both girls.
Here are the girls' most recent stats...
Ella Cate
30 lbs. (80%)
36 and 3/4 inches (97%)
Emma Claire
30 lbs. 14 oz. (85%)
36 and 3/4 inches (97%)

Waiting for the nurse to come in and give them their 2nd part of their Hep-A shot (hence no pants).

Being wild girls! I was standing nearby with my antibacterial wipes! I am sooo paranoid every time we step foot in the Dr's office that they are going to catch something.

Showing off their glittery princess stickers that they were awarded after getting their shot.